Saturday, December 29, 2012


 Adam's favorite gifts were his origami book and paper, basketball, and the helicopter he bought with the money from grandparents and Elise.
 Elli chose her jewelry box, puppet, side bag, drawing stuff and money.
 She also got her ears pierced.  Ouch!  She only turned yellow for a few minutes afterwards but said it didn't hurt too bad.
Amy chose her sneakers and clothes, lots of drawing books, water bottle and money.  They are excited to buy some of their own things later, too.  All in all I think everyone was happy.  Phew.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2nd Annual Christmas Eve Hike

 I think this might be a tradition in the making!  This is the 2nd year we went on a hike at Bear Creek Mountain Resort right before Christmas and the 2nd year that the Lauberts joined us!  Sounds like we better do it every year!
 Here are the kids: Elli, Amy, Adam, Annika, Adriana, Ariel, and Alice.  Dallin is in the car.
 At the top, Sandy was showing everyone her tricks and looking for a treat from anyone with their hand out.   She was going back and forth doing all she could to get a treat.  She was getting confused. 
Riley finally gave her the reward.  We were not able to stop and play in the snow this time because the workers were out getting the lifts ready.  Time to head down and get back home though.  There were still presents to wrap and goodies to make.

Big Kids, Little Kids

 One of the stops along the trail is a big sink hole with a pool of water at the bottom.  The kids like to stop and look way down.  It's probably a 20 foot drop down to the water and a big rock thrown down makes a fun splash.
 Riley did this a few times.  Heave Ho!
 The parents were nervous, the kids were cold, and Riley was happy.  Thanks for another fun hike!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Gingerbread House 2012

I had an idea to make a big gingerbread house this year.  Adam would design it and I would bake it, then we would all put it together.  Well, Adam came up with a pretty big design.  He had a doubtful face as he explained it and I said, "Of course we can make it!"  So he cut out the main parts and I started making the dough.  I knew it would take a while and I was prepared for it, but it really did take a while.  Because the pieces were so big, I could only bake a one or two at a time.  Then I had to make more dough.  Then I had to find a base big enough.  
Needless to say, several weeks went by and FINALLY it is done!  It was fun and even after a few breaks and construction flaws (on my part) we are already thinking of the one we will build next year!  
 Here it is compared to a kit from Target.  
A little side detail.
 It turned out to be over 2 feet long!  
 I tried stained glass windows, ivy growing up the side, and some old cottage decor.  
 I told them they have to leave it alone until Christmas and then they can start eating away.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Vintage Christmas

 I decided this year to decorate with old things.  I found a lot at the antique stores that are close by.  I am lucky to have 3 that I can browse every so often.  The only things I am still searching for are old toy trucks so I can put little presents and books in their beds.  I love the light up Santa and can display all kinds of Christmas candy in my jar collection.
 These old ice skates were like $8.  I can keep them out all winter!
And one of my favorite things was making gingerbread boys and girls for my tree.  I have always wanted to have an ALL cookie tree.  Good thing we went with the 3 foot tree instead of the 10 foot tree.  And popcorn of course!  I want to try cranberries, but am afraid they will squirt me with red juice when I poke the needle through.  Much to my surprise, Riley called all my treasures "junk", but all this junk makes me so happy!  

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Split Rock Resort

The Marine Ball was up in the Poconos this year and we all went this time.  We stayed overnight in at the Split Rock Resort, let the kids have pizza while our friends, the Lees', Riley, and I went to the ball.  The resort has an indoor pool with slides, a wave pool and a surf machine.  It was a fun weekend and we are glad the Lees' came with us!

Bill has a cool underwater camera and took some pictures of the kids for us.  My camera should not get wet.
 Adam said he didn't have any fun.  It was boring and he thought he should have been able to stay home.  I think he had a good time.
 Even though being cold and being wet are my two least favorite things, I had a good time on the slides.  It made me feel like a kid at Heise again.  I was begging the kids to go with me just one more time.

Last Marine Ball??

Here we are at the ball, ready for dinner and ready for dancing!

 This is before the ball in the hotel, making sure the kids had dinner and phone numbers and rules understood.
 Another shot from the ball.  Out of order, oops!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Heirloom Apples

 About 5 minutes from the camp ground is a place called Hopewell Furnace.  It is a museum about the iron mill that used to produce much of Pennsylvania's iron.  Next to it is an apple orchard where you can pick about 30 different varieties of apples for $1 a pound!  
 We started with the familiar Jonagold and Rome.  
 Then we found Stayman and Smokehouse apples!  They were so crisp and flavorful!
 The kids liked McIntosh best.  This is Elli and her friend, Abby.  Abby got to go camping with us and had never been camping in a tent before.  Glad there are other people out there who aren't used to camping!  It looks like she is raking the ground, not picking apples!  Look up!
We could sample one apple per person, but I think Riley had about 4.  He does the same thing when we pick peaches.  They should have someone to monitor him.  We picked about 17 pounds.  Too bad I can't remember which ones are which.

2nd Annual Ward Campout

 Although the forecast called for rain over the weekend, we were fortunate to be able to go camping anyways.  The rain held off and the temperature was perfect.  Not many bugs, not too cold for sleeping, and not too hot for the sweaty men.  Riley was the fire protector and had a nice fire for everyone to cook on and warm up by.  Thanks Riley!
 Here's Amy setting up the tent with her spot before it got dark.
 Adam was grumbling and insisting that he is old enough to stay home overnight by himself, but I think he was glad he came.  He and Josh were the ice cream crew and had the girls chasing them for a bite.
 But first you have to shake it....
And toss it and shake it for about 10 minutes.  Then refill with ice and salt and do it again for 15 more minutes.  Lots of families came for the night and left before bed.  Some stayed the whole night and got a yummy breakfast with more bacon than I've ever seen.  They are already talking about next year's campout.  Can't wait!

Soccer Time!

 Amy decided she wanted to play soccer this fall.  This is her first game of the season.  She loves it and already wants to play in the spring.
 Taking a rest.
Elli was off doing cartwheels and handstands on the hill.  Nice form.  Good luck with the rest of the season!

Big Bird

I was walking by the sliding door one afternoon and saw these big yellow feet sitting on the fence!  I ran to get my camera and tried to get a shot of him thru the glass.  Hopefully he's keeping the rabbits and squirrels under control.  Keep your kittens and hamsters inside!  

Friday, August 03, 2012

My Summer Highlights

 I finally made it to Ft. Bragg and here is the house that I stayed in.  The big windows on the second floor were from my room.  I shared with 3 other ladies who came and went at different times.  
 I think there were about 10 rooms and a big kitchen we could all use.  I'm glad I stayed here.  It was more like a home than a hotel would have been and it was fun to live with other students.
 On my walk to and from school everyday, I found the car of my dreams and all sorts of beautiful flowers growing in people's yards.
 The feeling of the town was kind of eery.  It was cold and rarely sunny.  I think there was a bit of a drug problem, too and most of the houses were run down with just a few nice homes mixed in.  
 The flowers were my favorite thing to look at, besides the beach.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Pacific Coast - Brr!

 I tried to go to the beach as much as possible.  I would run along a nice trail a few times a week and walk there on our days off if it was warm.  It was called Glass Beach.  That little white spot in the middle is a white seal.  
 Here is one of the sunny days and I still wished I had my coat.
This was the coast line in a city called Mendocino.  It was about a 15 minute drive from Ft. Bragg, so I only went there if someone offered a ride.  They had a nice grocery store we all liked to go to.  The beaches were very cliffy and the water was cold.  Not very inviting, but pretty.