Sunday, July 29, 2007

Beach Kids

Trying to see how deep they can dig
Elli was just learning how to ride the waves. Adam wasn't happy about sharing, so we'll have to bring both next time.
Amy has been so scared to get in the water. Even when we hold her she wants to go back to the sand. For some reason, she tried this day and had so much fun. The water was warm and she liked how it pushed her back. You can go out pretty far and still touch. It looks like she has one big 80's side pony, but there are two.
Adam making me nervous. He thinks he is invincible. He could do this all day.
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End of Vacation

Adam's birthday was the day before school started. He opted for a new bike this year instead of a party. Way nice for the party planner. Maybe next year. Now he's seven! Yikes!
This was Elli's first day of school. She got to ride the bus and was so excited. Luckily I didn't start to cry until I turned around and was walking toward home. She starts a full day next week. Adam had already been a few days and wasn't so excited.
For a little fun, we went to Beaufort where there is a museum with some stuff about Blackbeard the Pirate. Beaufort is where the Navy finally caught and killed him. Boy was Adam excited! Unfortunately, the museum was a bust. It had mostly fishing boats and beach wildlife. The highlight was some yummy strawberry ice cream.
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Friday, July 20, 2007

Family Photos

Elli and my sister, Elise. Elli just licked the frosting and left the cake.
My mom and Amy. Amy was pooped!
Riley and me in the kitchen at Aunt Nell's house. She always lets us stay for free when we come to visit. We got to see most everyone from both sides. The kids hated to leave and keep talking about what they want to do when we move back to Idaho. Keep dreaming. Who knows when that could be.
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Heise Hot Springs

The family at Heise. Riley and I used to come here when we were little. (not together... before we knew each other... though I've often wondered how many times we were at the same place at the same time) There's a pretty big water slide and hot pools in the back. Good memories.
Riley and the girls.
I love how Adam is in the air. He loves to jump off the diving board. He even felt the slap of his first belly flop this year. He said it felt like a bunch of arrows hitting his stomach.
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June Happenings

This is the spot the kids stand and eat so that they are technically in the kitchen, but can still see the TV. When we moved, I was so excited to have a dining room where the TV was far from view. This is what we have resorted to. Sad.
Here are the kids at swimming lessons. Elli and Amy were in the same class and Adam was in a level up. It kept us from being too lazy this summer.
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