Monday, January 25, 2010

Elli's School Song

Elli sang this at their school morning meeting with the other 2nd graders.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Family Group Hike

We were invited to join a local family group that does fun activities together and this was a hike they set up. Amy has been sick, so Riley took Adam, Elli and Sandy. I'm so glad Jenae took pictures and shared them with me!
Adam loves to climb trees.
Cute Elli.
I 'm sure Sandy enjoyed getting out. It's been a long winter for her having to be inside with limited walks. I'm not happy when I'm cold, so all we do is go to the bus stop and back. Anyways, later that day, the group also went to a college basketball game and Riley took the two kids. They all had a lot of fun.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

First Game of the Season

Let the games begin! Adam is playing city ball and here is his first game. This is his 2nd year and this time they keep score and call fouls and every travel and double dribble. It was actually pretty fun to watch.
Adam is the youngest on his team. It goes from 4th to 6th grade and I think the monster Indian kid next to Adam is definitely a 6th grader. He was kind of mean
I like how they have it set up. They have 4, 10 minute quarters with subs every 5 minutes, so he plays 4 times each game. The first 10 minutes they play zones, then man on man for 10 minutes, then switch. Some of the players are pretty good. Adam has the potential, we just need to get outside and practice once it warms up a bit.