Sunday, May 17, 2009

Going to the Air Show

With all the rain this weekend, we were putting off going to the air show.  We finally picked Saturday after lunch and had a good time getting out.  This is in the car on the way to the show.
We parked and took a bus over to the action.  Adam looks thrilled.  It must be cool to show no emotions.  This is the face we see most of the time.

Watching the Snow Birds

I've heard the Blue Angels last year were much better, but we got to see the Snow Birds from Canada this time.  For some reason, Riley left me home last year and took all the kids.  They did some pretty cool tricks though.
We walked around and checked out helicopters and planes.  All the kids wanted was a snow cone.
Heading back, Amy got a ride.
And of course a potty break for Elli.  It was pretty rainy this weekend and we were lucky to just get sprinkled on a little.  At least it wasn't hot hot hot like last year.

School Program

The kids had a spring performance last week where they sang songs about America.  Adam and Elli both sang loud and smiled and did so well.  Adam had to fill in as a speaker at the last minute and did a great job.  The younger the kids, the louder they sang.  Some of the 5th graders looked pretty embarrassed to be there. 

Sunday, May 10, 2009

7 Year Old Elli

My sweet Elli is SEVEN!  Here are 7 things about Elli:

1.  She loves to sing and is ALWAYS singing!
2.  She wakes up really early on school days and is always dressed when I go to wake her up.
3.  She hates peanut butter, but she loves peanuts.
4.  She has the darkest brown eyes.
5.  She can make anyone laugh.
6.  She likes to dance and is actually pretty good.
7.  She like to switch things around my house and decorate how she likes it!!!

We sure love our little Elli.  Happy Birthday!!!

Elli's Sleep Over Party

Elli has been wanting a sleep over for a while, so I thought it would be an easy birthday party.  She invited her best friend, Sophia, from 2 houses down and her sister, Isabel.  Elli loves the movie "Over the Hedge" and wanted the Hedge for her cake.  That squirrel is "Hammy".

They watched a movie, had popcorn, did their nails, played dress up and stayed up until 11:30.  
I think they had fun.  Riley and Adam were on a camping trip, so it was just the girls.