Monday, February 07, 2011

Flower Party

Amy wanted a party instead of a gift from the family. Her choice of theme was flowers. I did my best. February birthdays are hard. Either pay a ton to have it at a facility, or have it at your house. (I will probably never do a sledding party, unless Riley takes them out. sorry.)
Some of the decorations and food. Amy cut out all the cheese and ham. Pretty cute!
I have wanted to make these ice cream pots for a long time, so when she said "flowers", I said "really?!" They took the place of a cake, so there was nowhere to put candles. We just sang instead.

Party Games

Here's Amy at the table at the beginning of the party.
When all the guests arrived, they first made flower art with dots and crayons. Then they could make a necklace if they wanted.Then we played Pin the Dot on the Flower and her friend, Taylor, won the prize. I totally forgot about a prize until the guests arrived, so I gave Adam $5 and asked him to run to CVS to buy a little prize. I was thinking a lip smacker or nail polish, but he came back with silly putty. He said that was all they had. I'm guessing he didn't want to be seen buying girly things so he got the first thing he saw. It was nice of him to run out for me though. He got to keep the change for his trouble.

We also had a little game where they had to find flowers hidden around the house with clues attached to them. Each clue told where the next flower was.

I hope she had a good time. It was a lot of work and I swear after each party that that is the LAST one. Elli and Adam were a big help though. Elli helped me serve the food and keep track of presents and run the games. Aside from running to the store, Adam steered clear of the girls most of the time. Maybe a small party next time. Maybe.

Amy Turns 7!

Amy's birthday was on a Thursday. Riley left that morning and her party wasn't until Saturday, so we celebrated on Wednesday. She chose Texas Roadhouse for her restaurant and strawberry for her cake. Riley decorated that one. Pretty. She sure is big though. I don't notice until I see her around her friends. I think they look huge, but she is just as tall. Funny.