Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Check Out My New Blog!!!

I just started putting up some of my favorite recipes on a new blog! I'll put more on it as I make dinner and my family likes it. Maybe it will give you some ideas, who knows? (also on the side bar, too)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

The Family Meetup Group had a really fun Easter Egg Hunt this year. I'm so glad they had one. The organizers of the group, Brian and Jenae, hosted it at their house and it was perfect! They have chickens roaming the yard and goats and a rabbit and a dog. It all felt so Springy! The kids are on the deck watching the little kids go first.
Next was the big kid hunt. Adam was the oldest and sadly it is probably his last year. The eggs were hidden in much harder places and they were so excited to get out and find the Golden Egg for a prize.

Race for Pediatric Cancer

We found out about a fun race through our Family Meetup Group and decided to try it out. The kids ran in the Fun Run that was 1/2 mile long. We had to shut down excuse after excuse the morning of the race because the kids were not excited about running, but I think they each really had fun. There were lots of other kids and goodie bags and snacks afterwards. Hopefully they will want to do more!
Riley sat this one out and got to take pictures of us instead. I ran it with our good friends, the Willardsons. Here are Christina and me after the 8K race. We did so well and had so much fun that we signed up for another race next month. She let me train with her a couple times and she is fast and serious! Her husband, Darin, is hilarious and almost made me pee my pants before the race started. I'm still laughing at how he stretched!

Thursday, March 04, 2010

So Much Time and So Little to Do

For some reason, I have a lot of free time this month. My calendar is delightfully sparse, but we are not bored! One quiet morning, Amy was playing around with her hair and decided she wanted bangs. I warned her and warned her that they take forever to grow out and her little cowlick might not work, but she insisted we proceed. I think she looks totally different. She likes them and we are all getting used to them. And I made her turn off the computer and play a game with me this morning. Can't wait for Spring so we can set up the trampoline and go outside!

Dr. Seuss and Crazy Hat Day

It was Dr. Seuss's birthday this week, so the schools had crazy sock day and crazy hat day and wear green day, for green eggs and ham. Adam came up with this crazy cone hat one morning. I thought it would fall apart on the bus, but even after school it was still holding strong. Amy and Elli shared the straw hat. They go to different schools and had different days.

Pine Wood Derby

This was Adam's first Pine Wood Derby with the Scouts. He worked on his car for weeks, sanding and painting it. It was also the 100th birthday of the Scouts, so they had a nice taco dinner, too. Here are all the cars after being weighed in. One of his leaders, Bro. Willardson, helped him glue weights on the bottom in the back so it would be faster. He got it to weigh exactly 5 ounces, which is the maximum limit. He was sure he would win!
He won 3rd place and was happy with that since it was his very first time. He is so stinking competitive, I was hoping he wouldn't cry when he didn't win 1st place, and he didn't. He is already planning his car for next year though.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Last Game

Adam thought he was done with Basketball, but they rescheduled the games they missed because of snow. I think he is glad to be done. He had a rough season. Maybe basketball isn't his game, maybe he needs to grow into those hands, or maybe he needs to practice more. It's better than sitting in front of the DS screen all day.We all came out to cheer him on for his last game. We were teasing him that we each wrote a letter of his name on our bellies and that we were going to do the wave while lifting up our shirts. He did not think we were funny at all. He wouldn't even look at us the entire time.
As you can see, the girls just love coming. Usually only either Riley or I come and watch. It was a fun night out though.

2 More Snow Days!

Last week the kids got to stay home Thursday and Friday because of MORE snow! It snowed non stop Wednesday night to Friday afternoon. It looked really blizzardy, but it was mostly fluff that blew around. We did get some drifting, so I guess it was better to cancel, but I sure hope we are done with snow for the year.