Sunday, July 17, 2011

Our Favorite Eleven Year Old

Adam is eleven now! His birthday was Saturday and he had his friend, Thomas, over for the day. We took them to the river with some of our friends, then Riley took the boys out to get Adam's favorite burger, the Jay Hawk, from the Burgery Company. Look at that face. Can my baby really be 11?The only thing he wanted was this remote control airplane. Easy for me! No party!
I talked him into this cake. I just wanted to make it. Wish the ship part was longer. Hope he liked it. HaPpY bIrThDaY aDaM!

Adam at the River

It has been a whole year since we have come to the river spot. It is such a cool, quiet place to let the kids play. You can head up stream a ways and build a dam or spend hours skipping rocks. Adam is pretty good at skipping now.
He didn't know I was taking his picture. I think he had fun.

Elli at the River

The water was cold! Elli took one big plop up to her neck and it took her breath away.
Summer's sun kiss has turned her hair golden and her skin brown.

Amy at the River

Last year, Amy's favorite thing was to float down on her fish innertube. This year it had a hole.
We had some old noodles and they worked OK. Not as fun as the tube.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


We didn't go to a parade for the Fourth, but we were invited to some pretty neat fireworks! It's so hard to wait until the sky is dark enough. The park broadcast a little program where the fireworks matched the songs. The songs were not particularly patriotic, but classic American songs. It was good.
As soon as they start, the kids get quiet.
Then after a while, they start to play again. Elli hooked together glow bracelets and thought they were pretty neat spinning together.
I thought traffic was going to be bad, but Christina lead us to a secret location and we were home in no time. I can't believe it's the middle of July already.

DC Temple Trip

We could take one whole day and go to DC for a quick trip to the temple, but it is much funner and more enjoyable to stay overnight and do some sightseeing along the way. We try to go every so often and this time we went with the Willardsons. That way they can go while we watch Nash and we can go while they watch our kids. I think we got the easy shift; the night shift.Riley and I went early the next morning which gave us the afternoon to walk around. I wanted to go to the Holocaust Museum which is close to the mall. The main part was sold out of tickets, so we went through the kids section and got lunch. Maybe another time. I've heard it's really neat.
Then we took the metro and walked through Arlington Cemetery. Riley was so happy. Here we are at the top of a hill where one of the Generals had his house. Right before Christina took the picture, a very slow man walked right between us. She was even counting loudly, "ONE, TWO...", but he just walked right on by. We finally got a photo of Adam smiling! It was pretty funny.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

First Annual Kutztown Ward Campout

Last year a few families from the ward, including ours, camped at French Creek Park and saw these large group camp sites. Riley thought one would be perfect for a ward campout. He has been dreaming of one ever since and so was put in charge of organizing it.There was a good turn out for the first year! The weather was nice, there was plenty of room for frisbee and catch, and of course the fire was the favorite spot of all.
I'm not used to camping, but Riley assured me that all you do is sit around the fire chatting and getting meals ready while the kids get dirty and run around. That is what we did.
We broke out the mallows after an early dinner and everyone had their own roasting styles. Christina was pretty serious and must have liked the charred kind. I like a light golden, bubbly brown all around, then I lift off the crisp outer layer to reveal the gooey middle. Mmm.
Kids liked the fire too. We all went to sleep smelling like smoke and rubbing our full bellies. I don't know how many smores my kids had. I lost count after 3.

Campout Morning

No one needs an alarm clock! The kids were up with the sun and ready for another day.
Amy found a rolly polly while the old guys made breakfast; hashbrowns, eggs, bacon and juice.

Come and get it! I think everyone had a pretty good time. I got part of the credit for putting it together, but really it was all Riley. Way to go!

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Arrow of Light

Several weeks ago, we attended the Arrow of Light ceremony for scouts. Adam has accomplished all of his requirements to advance. (I'm not sure all the levels and terminology) Here he is at the sacred bridge crossing symbolizing his crossing over from Webelos to Boy Scout. That's Brother John guiding him across and Bishop Witmer at the end to receive him.

The evening couldn't be complete without a delicious cake made by Sister Moulder.
Thomas and Adam celebrating their achievements. Jacob was out of town.
And the proud parents. Way to go, Adam!

Taylor and Amy

Amy's fun friend from church, Taylor, had to move away this June. They have been in the same primary class since we moved in and love to play together. It was hard to see her family move away. Each Sunday before primary, Amy would cry and beg me not to make her go to class. She said she couldn't look at Taylor without thinking about her moving. Luckily we made it through. Good luck in Texas, Taylor!