Sunday, September 30, 2012

Heirloom Apples

 About 5 minutes from the camp ground is a place called Hopewell Furnace.  It is a museum about the iron mill that used to produce much of Pennsylvania's iron.  Next to it is an apple orchard where you can pick about 30 different varieties of apples for $1 a pound!  
 We started with the familiar Jonagold and Rome.  
 Then we found Stayman and Smokehouse apples!  They were so crisp and flavorful!
 The kids liked McIntosh best.  This is Elli and her friend, Abby.  Abby got to go camping with us and had never been camping in a tent before.  Glad there are other people out there who aren't used to camping!  It looks like she is raking the ground, not picking apples!  Look up!
We could sample one apple per person, but I think Riley had about 4.  He does the same thing when we pick peaches.  They should have someone to monitor him.  We picked about 17 pounds.  Too bad I can't remember which ones are which.

2nd Annual Ward Campout

 Although the forecast called for rain over the weekend, we were fortunate to be able to go camping anyways.  The rain held off and the temperature was perfect.  Not many bugs, not too cold for sleeping, and not too hot for the sweaty men.  Riley was the fire protector and had a nice fire for everyone to cook on and warm up by.  Thanks Riley!
 Here's Amy setting up the tent with her spot before it got dark.
 Adam was grumbling and insisting that he is old enough to stay home overnight by himself, but I think he was glad he came.  He and Josh were the ice cream crew and had the girls chasing them for a bite.
 But first you have to shake it....
And toss it and shake it for about 10 minutes.  Then refill with ice and salt and do it again for 15 more minutes.  Lots of families came for the night and left before bed.  Some stayed the whole night and got a yummy breakfast with more bacon than I've ever seen.  They are already talking about next year's campout.  Can't wait!

Soccer Time!

 Amy decided she wanted to play soccer this fall.  This is her first game of the season.  She loves it and already wants to play in the spring.
 Taking a rest.
Elli was off doing cartwheels and handstands on the hill.  Nice form.  Good luck with the rest of the season!

Big Bird

I was walking by the sliding door one afternoon and saw these big yellow feet sitting on the fence!  I ran to get my camera and tried to get a shot of him thru the glass.  Hopefully he's keeping the rabbits and squirrels under control.  Keep your kittens and hamsters inside!