Friday, April 27, 2012

Spring on the Farm

 Our friends, the Bauchers, have a farm.  Riley loves to go out any chance he can to help with whatever they need help with.  This last week, Patty invited us to come over and see the little lambs that were born just a week or so ago.  This white ewe on the top is named Amy.  She is very friendly and was the only sheep that hadn't delivered yet.  They also have a dog named Elli, but nothing named Adam.
 Patty explained the cycles of the sheep and how many times they can have babies and all that stuff.   It was a lot for Amy to take in.
 Although it was a chilly night, the barn was nice and toasty and the lambs were getting their warm glass of milk before bedtime.
A couple of them even played around.  I doubt the moms appreciated us getting the kids all wound up.

New Donkey

 The Bauchers always seem to have something new every time we visit.  This time it was a donkey.  Last time it was a Mastiff puppy.  The puppy is very big already, just after a few months!
 We learned that a donkey is a great protector and Patty wants it to protect her sheep.  First it has to be introduced to the man sheep and then it will be ready to meet the lady sheep.  Very interesting!  Adam was worried the donkey was going to get mad at my camera.
I had avoided using my flash so I would not scare the animals, which explains the blurry photos.  But, I decided to try it for this picture and it did scare the donkey.  It tried to get back and started taking Elli with it.  I wish I could remember the donkey's name.  I know it's not Daisy.  Anyways, we love the Baucher's farm and are so happy we have the chance to see what it is like.  Maybe someday we'll have a small one of our own....

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

One Hundred Things About Me

Alright, let's do this. I've been tagged. Hopefully it won't turn into confession.

1. I was born in Idaho.
2. I have 3 kids.
3. My 11th wedding anniversary is this year.
4. I love any kind of pudding.
5. I have a bad habit of popping my knuckles, toes, neck, back, and knees.
6. My favorite thing to do is play volleyball.
7. I am more afraid of moths than spiders.
8. I like to run.
9. I ran a half marathon. ( 2 times now)
10. When I was little, I pulled part of the soul of my shoe off and stuck it up my nose and have never found it.
11. I have the cutest kids.
12. I don't like most other people's kids.
13. I can play the piano.
14. I am shy.
15. I think Sponge Bob is hilarious.
16. I love math.
17. I am an early bird.
18. My favorite person is my Grandma Butler. I think about her everyday.
19. I am left handed.
20. My husband is left handed too, but all our kids are right handed.
21. I got to marry my high school sweetheart.
22. I've never kissed anyone but him. (romantically)
23. I love oldies music. Not so much 70's, but 50's and 60's.
24. I wish I could have lived in the 50's.
25. I can juggle.
26. I gave birth naturally.
27. I love to look at antique shops.
28. I'm not crafty, I copy.
29. I'm very conservative.
30. I enjoy being home with my kids.
31. I'm scared to go back to school.
32. I think TV is a waste of time.
33. I don't like to read.
34. I'm in a book club.
35. I've worn contacts since the 5th grade.
36. I occasionally get migraine headaches.
37. Water is my favorite drink.
38. I make my kids listen to show tunes and they love West Side Story.
39. I love to sing really loud when I'm by myself in the car.
40. I played the violin in the 6th grade. I liked it until I found out we had to go to the concerts.
41. I never thought I would live on the east coast.
42. I miss my family back home.
43. I had a happy childhood.
44. I can't wear yellow.
45. I cry easily.
46. I have very easy pregnancies.
47. I have lots of gray hair!
48. My dream car is an old Mercedes or BMW.
49. I can't wait until Riley and I can travel.
50. I have blue eyes.
51. I tan easily.
52. I'm snoopy.
53. I don't like secrets.
54. I'm sentimental and hate to throw things away.
55. I feel much better after I throw things away.
56. I love to recycle.
57. I don't know what I would go back to school for.
58. I like all my in-laws.
59. I think newly weds should move away.
60. I hate the way lotion makes my hands feel.
61. I rarely wear lotion.
62. My legs constantly need lotion.
63. I floss my teeth EVERY night.
64. I hate being cold!
65. I am a jealous person.
66. I like to play sports.
67. I am competitive.
68. I have a dog and want to get rid of her.
69. I had hair down to my waist in highschool.
70. I broke my arm in 4th grade.
71. Popcorn is my favorite snack.
72. I shouldn't eat ice cream or drink milk.
73. I get very grumpy when I'm cold.
74. I've been to Mexico twice.
75. I went to New York this year.
76. I love Mexican food.
77. I love Asian food, too.
78. I tried tofu and liked it.
79. I never weigh myself. (now I do...can't stop)
80. I have a better credit score than my husband and it drives him crazy!
81. I cut my hair short and I like it.
82. I find sideburn attractive on a man.
83. I am a P90X graduate times 3.
84. I like my nails short.
85. I like antiques.
86. My favorite store is Anthropologie.
87. I love babies.
88. Blush is my favorite makeup.
89. I have to shower everyday to feel good.
90. I like to wear perfume.
91. The kitchen is my favorite room.
92. I don't like to talk on the phone.
93. I teach Seminary.
94. I don't like Las Vegas.
95. I love Pennsylvania.
96. I never snore.
97. I am going to graduate in May! (just with an Associates)
98. I was recently on the news.
99. I try to cut my son's hair and think every time that it will look good.
100. I love my life!

This has taken me over 4 years to finish. Hopefully I haven't repeated anything or contradicted myself. Thanks for reading.