Friday, March 18, 2011

Spa Day

Everything was in walking distance from our hotel. We passed through these beautiful parks along the way. Each park took up a square block and all the surrounding houses faced in toward the park. After Riley and I live and work on our farm, I'd love to buy a home right here.
So, we made our way to the the spa. After various massages and facials, we each got a pedicure, two at a time up on raised thrones. I felt rather silly for paying so much for a pedicure, so I unabashedly helped myself to the mini cupcakes and fancy chocolates they offered.
Lenette and Heather got red toes.
Debbie got pink and I got the white tips. My girls at home laughed when they saw how tiny my pinky toenail was and joked how small the brush must have been to paint such a little white line on it.

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