Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Happy Fat Tuesday!

Here in Pennsylvania, today is Fat Tuesday. What is Fat Tuesday?! A long time ago, across the swirly, twirly river, Pennsylvanians would use the lard, flour, sugar, and butter they had in their pantries to make fastnachts. This would happen right before lent began so they wouldn't waste their food. They would eat tons of them since they had to give up the sweets during lent. Although we don't observe lent, we will surely eat the fastnachts! What is a fastnacht? It's a donut like pastry with no hole. Traditionally, you cut it in half like a bagel and put syrup on one side and then put the other side back on, like a sandwich.


Just the 2 of Us! said...

Those look so yummy! How did you make them?

Just the 2 of Us! said...

Those look so yummy. How did you make them? I might have to try them on my day that I allow myself to eat sweets.

Christina said...

Glad I visited your blog tonight to find out what I missed! ...kind of makes me sick thinking about it! But the girls look like they enjoyed it.