Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Coloring Eggs

After church while the boys took naps, the girls colored eggs.  Amy and I were in a hurry at the store when we bought the dye and it turns out it was not the dip kind, but the dab and color kind.  It was different, but fun.
 Elli didn't mind getting messy.  She rubbed and swirled and mixed.  She tried about 7 different styles.  I think I like this one the best.
 She could have done more if I had boiled more eggs.  I need to keep her creating, she is pretty good!
 It was fun to sit and relax and take our minds off of work and school.  More art, more art!

1 comment:

kathy-o said...

cute, cute outfits for the girls - they take after their mom when it comes to style & great taste! LOVE the colors & designs of the eggs!