Friday, December 31, 2010

Gingerbread Men

I didn't do much for Christmas this year, but I did have a gingerbread man kit from last year that we never used. Isn't that a good mom?! And I let them get it out of the closet and decorate some. Only four. They are a year old. Not like we are going to eat them all. And we can't give them away, gross!They are having so much fun.
Amy's turned out pretty cute! It's because it's Amy herself!
I'm boring. I did the one on the top like the one from the box. I copied. Elli did the other two. Ouch! Amy's arm is missing the tip! Someone snuck a bite before I could take the picture...and some frosting!

1 comment:

Erika said...

At least you had gingerbread men to decorate. I made my girls decorate a Halloween house kit that I bought on sale at Sam's Club after Halloween. So their Christmas gingerbread house was orange and black :)