Saturday, July 19, 2008

Adam turns 8!

I've kind of been slipping with the whole birthday party thing.  I really did used to have big parties and invite all their friends and have goody bags and games and cute themed invitations, but I haven't been feeling the groove.  It takes a lot of planning and stress.  Maybe next year they'll each get a party.  
Anyways, here's Adam turning 8 and blowing out the candles.
"Hey!  They keep lighting up again!"

"Mom, did you get trick candles!?"  Yes I did, but I didn't realize it until I got home.  It was the only kind the PX had.  Ha Ha.

1 comment:

Jeni said...

You could enforce the "party every other year" rule. That's what my sister does. She lets her kids have a party on the odd or even birthday years so they know ahead of time and it's a lot less stress for mom. We just had a party for Vivi. Only three little girls but it was a lot of work for me! Cake, decor, cleaning, lunch, presents, activities. I might go with that every other year idea.