Monday, November 30, 2009

Philadelphia Phun

The kids had a 5 day weekend and Riley gets antsy sitting around that long, so he had big plans for us. First was a trip down to Philadelphia to see the sights. It sure was a right chilly day, but it was better than sitting home in my nice warm house. I guess.This is Independence Hall behind them where the Declaration of Independence was actually signed in that building! Maybe. We think. Pretty sure. We didn't go inside it. You had to buy tickets.
And this is THE Liberty Bell! THE one!
And this is Benjamin Franklin's grave. There is just so much history out here.
And the last thing we did was tour the US Mint. The coins that have a P on them came from this very building. We couldn't take pictures inside to show though. Adam was pretty excited for this. He's been collecting coins for a couple years.

Thanksgiving at Home

We decided to stay home and have a family dinner this year. We had friends over for dessert later that day, so we had an earlier meal. Somehow this threw off the whole day for the kids. They couldn't understand why we were eating "dinner" so early and kept asking what we would have for real dinner. Here they are waiting, confused and grumpy that we were eating so early.
Nice candles to create a dinner "mood".
Finally Adam was happy when he got his big drumstick. He wasn't able to finish it.
Each person got to pick one thing they wanted for dinner besides the bird. It was my first time cooking the entire meal by myself. I was in the kitchen ALL morning! Seriously! That's a lot of work right there. It was yummy though.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week with Grandma!

My mom came out from Idaho to watch the kids while we went to the ball this year. We had a whole week to spend with her and here is some of what we did.Amy had a puzzle for her to help put together almost every morning.
One night we played games and had popcorn and snacks. We played Cadoo, Uno, and Go Fish! We also enjoyed some of the famous caramel popcorn my mom makes, but it was gone faster than I could get a picture of us scarfing it down. Mmm.
Amy got her hair curled a couple times and she looked like a new lady. Mom always did our hair cute when I was little. Maybe I should take more time on that.
And she read stories and watched movies most days, too. What you don't see is all the WORK that my mom did. I got so spoiled with her here, it was hard to start my chores on Monday. She vacuumed and scrubbed my floors, ironed my curtains, did dishes, folded laundry, sewed a few projects, weeded my flowers, and probably did things I don't even know about! Oh, and she found our mysterious filter and washed it out, but my favorite was when she cleaned my banister and showed me the rag. Then she said, "Look at how dirty that was!" It's OK. I'm not offended. My mom is the best cleaner around! She's going to find these things no matter what!

On Our Way to the Ball

Before we head out the door, let's get a picture! This is the 2nd year I wore this dress, but we didn't get any pictures last year, so whatever. The kids ordered pizza with Grandma and watched a movie. Thanks Mom for coming out to watch the kids!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Costumes 2009

Adam is a Ghost Buster. He made the blaster pack out of boxes and parts of our old VCR and some foam tubing from the hardware store. I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but once he got the goggles and knee pads on, I was pretty impressed.
Elli is a not-green witch. She wanted to be Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West, but when we put the green makeup on, she screamed, "My Eyes! My Eyes!" So she rubbed it all away. Still pretty wicked though.
Amy switched from Little Red Riding Hood to a Cheerleader at the last minute. People thought she was Barbie.

We thought Adam was old enough to go out Trick or Treating alone with friends this year. Riley took the girls out with the neighbor and his daughter. About 20 minutes into the fun, it started raining hard. Adam came home and called it quits. The girls were already soaked so they kept at it a while longer. We have much too much candy.

Carving Pumpkins

Pulling out slimey pumpkin guts. Gross.
We got a lot of seeds for roasting though. Mmm Boy. (We did a cinnamon batch and a Worchestershire batch. Smelled so good.)
Amy got a spider, Elli did a two sided pumpkin face, and Adam did Frankenstein.

Kindergarden Parade

The schools here let the kids dress up and have a parade around the building. I remember doing it when I was little, but thought it was long gone. In all the other districts we've been in, they are allowed "Fall Festivals", but definitely no "Halloween". Amy was Little Red Riding Hood, but didn't want to carry the basket, which I told her she needed. Adam and Elli's parade was at the same time but I had already told Amy I'd go watch hers.