Amy got to get the plate ready. We gave him two cookies and some milk. Adam got to pour the milk. Amy decided the milk looked good. Elli was off singing and forgot to speak up that she wanted to help. Oops.
The kids have been so excited to make this house. Now that it's done they just want to eat it. They all did a really good job decorating. There were only a few little disagreements about where the candy should go or who was eating too much of it. It was pretty fun. Elli's face is so funny to me! Some of you will get this one in your Christmas card.
One afternoon Adam spotted a lizard in a corner of our family room. It quickly became a situation. I called my mom and Steve said they are harmless and promised it wouldn't bite our toes or come after us. I told the kids it would eat the bugs that got in. We were almost ready to consider it a pet and let it be. We thought maybe it had been around for a while and we just didn't know it. But later that night, we changed our minds as it started it's way toward the bedrooms. Luckily we caught it on the wall in the biggest tupperware we have. It really was cute and Amy wanted to be the one to let it go outside. I used to be brave like that. She's the one we call when we find a bug in the house.
Luckily we've had some pretty warm days so we can play outside a little. Adam likes to jump out of the swing and see how far he can go. He just can't swing very long or he gets sick.